Abano Terme
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Abano Terme rises on the slopes of the evocative Euganean Hills, near Venice. The city is part of the Euganean Spas - the most important and ancient spa in Europe and among the first in the world for the unique healing properties of thermal waters and mud. The thermal water of Terme Euganee is classified as bromo-iodic salt and, together with thermal mud, allows the treatment of many diseases, eg. of the muscular and osteoarticular apparatus, of the respiratory tract or of the nervous system. The city has a long spa tradition and has a vast tourist offer, both for hotel facilities and for additional services.
The Town
The town, tranquil and tidy, becomes the ideal destination for families with children, the main pedestrian area surrounded by numerous gardens and refined shops, bars and restaurants, hotels and clubs. Sludge treatments, combined with other spa treatments, are today the best solution for those looking for a psychophysical recovery in full relax and at the same time enjoying the culture, the art, the history offered by the places surrounding the city. For those who love sports, several scenic routes can be traveled on foot or by bicycle on the Euganean Hills, and there is no lack of golf courses at the Golf Club Montecchia, Padova and Frassanelle. Outdoor sports can be practiced almost all year round thanks to the mild climate enjoyed by the locality.
Abano Terme rises on the slopes of the evocative Euganean Hills, near Venice, Padua, and Vicenza.
The city is part of the Euganean Spas - the most essential and ancient spa in Europe.
The thermal water of Terme Euganee classified as salso-bromo-iodic and, together with thermal mud, it can cure many diseases.
Abano Terme has a vast offer of hotel facilities and sports activities.
Almost all the hotels in Abano Terme have curative water well inside the therapeutic department.
Abano Terme
Abano Terme rises on the slopes of the evocative Euganean Hills, near Venice. The city is part of the Euganean Spas - the most important and ancient spa in Europe and among the first in the world for the unique healing properties of thermal waters and mud. The thermal water of Terme Euganee is classified as bromo-iodic salt and, together with thermal mud, allows the treatment of many diseases, eg. of the muscular and osteoarticular apparatus, of the respiratory tract or of the nervous system. The city has a long spa tradition and has a vast tourist offer, both for hotel facilities and for additional services.
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A vendégeink által a tartózkodásuk befejezése után írt értékelések.
Alles wunderbar bis ins kleinste Detail (zum Beispiel die Matratze ist eine Dorelan, das Personal ist sehr nett und das Restaurant ist ausgezeichnet ...) Leider konnte ich nicht draußen bleiben, ohne von Bremsen angegriffen zu werden. Die SCHWALBEN, die einst ihre Nester unter dem Dach hatten und die Anwesenheit von Bremsen verhinderten, wurden leider vertrieben. Einige Nester wurden wahrscheinlich durch früheres Management zerstört (was gegen das Gesetz verstößt). In der Hoffnung, dass die Notwendigkeit der Anwesenheit des RONDINI aus tausend Gründen verstanden wird, hoffe ich, zurückkehren zu können: Es ist ein wunderbarer Ort.
Questo è stato il nostro 2° viaggio qui. Una volta lo scorso autunno e nuovamente questa primavera. Si tratta di un hotel meravigliosamente rilassante completare con la loro Primavera di zolfo di stare vicino alla piscina e rilassarsi dopo il viaggio. Il tempo è stato perfetto. Le camere sono confortevoli e il personale è molto cordiale. C'è una spa completa con servizi da unghie e capelli per applicazioni mediche complete e tutto in tra. Abbiamo solo cenato utilizzando il menu del bar per entrambi gli spuntini di tarda mattinata e pranzo. Questo albergo si trova nelle colline della Toscana e ci sono molte piccole città per esplorare che sono a pochi chilometri dall'hotel. Ci torneremo di sicuro.
Классический отель в итальянском стиле, с изысканным спа и очень вкусной кухней. Нам понравилось практически всё. Спасибо очень милому персоналу.
Отель нам понравился, это исторический отель начала 20-го века, отреставрированый, красивые холлы, ресторан. Красивый сьют в романтическом венецианском стиле с балконом с видом на сад. Посетили врача, было предписано шесть процедур грязевой терапии и сеансы физиотерапии. Почувствовали замечательное действия грязи, полное расслабление. Так бы хотелось вернуться снова сюда.
Отличная еда, богатейший буфет салатов, красиво организован ужин при свечах. Большие термальные бассейны с гидромассажами. Спа отличное. Хорошее качество и разумная цена.
Отель хороший, особенно спа центр, выглядит очень элегантно, большой выбор процедур. Ресторан порадовал своей вкусной итальянской кухней. Завтрак богатый, подавали у бассейна. Вкусный кофе в баре. Рядом находится гольфовое поле, сюдаприезжают много гольфистов.
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Monuments and Places of Interest
Viale Delle Terme is the main pedestrian area, overlooked by gardens and refined shops, bars and restaurants, hotels and clubs. The avenue connects the historic center with the spa area, where the Montirone springs and the oldest spas located: the Todeschini, the Clock and the Trieste Victoria. There are two sites of great interest: the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and the recent Piazza del Sole e della Pace, also known as Piazza della Meridiana for the beautiful sundial designed by the aponense astronomer Salvador Condè. The Sundial-clock is made of polychrome marble and is one of the largest in Europe (3000 square meters).
Urban Thermal Park - a jewel of contemporary architecture, designed by one of the most influential architects and historians of architecture, Paolo Portoghesi, the vast complex, which fits harmoniously into the urban and architectural context of the spa town, is conceived as a single, large continuous lawn 3 km long, covered with paved lanes and cycle paths, full of plants and tall trees arranged along the avenue main. It alternates green spaces with shops, offices, cycle paths, fountains, monumental columns, and hundreds of plants that adorn the entire park.
Grand Hotel Orologio - this beautiful building was built in the 1700s by the noble Paduan family of Dondi dell Orologio, in the following century it was enlarged, and the neoclassical facade (1825) added by Giuseppe Jappelli, one of the greatest exponents of the neoclassical style in Veneto. Despite being closed for years, it remains one of the emblems of the history of Abano.
Grand Hotel Trieste & Victoria, legendary historic hotel on the pedestrian area, was built in 1911. Here was located the Italian Supreme Command during the First World War (1918) and General Armando Diaz used to stay in a first-floor apartment.
Colle del Montirone, once rich in thermal springs, still preserves stone basins with hot, steaming water. The monumental entrance to the park consists of a portal with a Corinthian colonnade. Nearby is a Doric column surmounted by a cup wrapped between the coils of a snake, designed by Giuseppe Jappelli who in 1825 celebrated the arrival of Emperor Francis I of Austria with this monument. The Civic Art Gallery at Montirone, which contains paintings, drawings, and engravings made between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries, and the Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art, home to temporary exhibitions, are housed.
A Brief History of the Spa
The toponym Abano contains a reference to water both for the presence of the Indo-European root - "ap," and for the association with the god Aponus, which means "without pain," to protect thermal springs in the Paleovenetian and Roman ages. The origins of thermal treatments date back to the 8th century BC C. when the ancient inhabitants of the area went to the nearby sacred lake, which extended into the territory of the current Euganean Spas, to perform rituals linked to the recovery of health and drank therapeutic water from ceramic vessels. According to the legend the same Ercole who, passing through the land of Apono, founded the cult of Gerione, mysterious god, imprisoned in the bowels of the earth, who prophesied the future through a priest or a priestess, able to interpret the prophecies of the god through the thermal waters. After 49 BC a bourgeois upper class was formed of local Romanized peoples, who in imitation of the high courses of Rome gave great importance to the baths favoring the establishment of public baths and thermal establishments completely transforming the sanctuary. The ancient attendance of the baths is documented up to the whole fifth century AD C.
In the Middle Ages, the territory was occupied by the Lombards, Carolingians, and Saxons, who shook the life of these campaigns. The first official documents that offer us information on Abano date back to the 10th century. From the 12th century, the village of Abano developed as a rural center, under the bishop of Padua.
At the beginning of the modern age, the Venetian aristocracy took over the territories confiscated from the rebel Paduan nobles. In the eighteenth century the affirmation of the Enlightenment and of the "encyclopedic" interests for all knowledge and in particular for those connected to nature have made thermalism reconsider by dedicating to it a significant quantity of studies that contributed to rediscover this therapeutic practice that even if it didn't disapire, it was in fact little considered. A building renovation activity started in the Montirone area, rich in natural springs.
After the First World War, the traditional activity related to thermal treatments experienced a formidable development due to the new technological knowledge that allowed the opening of artificial wells near which many thermal establishments were built. In 1926 the private management of thermal resources passed to the system of public concessions, and thanks to this provision considerably increased the number of hotels in Abano. In the second post-war period, a welfare-type health policy developed that allowed the use of thermal therapies to a large public and consequently numerous artificial wells opened and new establishments built.